

A new, centralized family law website for Albertans

We have launched LegalAve, our website that will help Albertans find existing family law resources from one location. The wide range of resources on the website come from different organizations across the province and the country. LegalAve brings it all together under one virtual “roof,” making it easier for Albertans to determine what information is relevant to them and applies in Alberta. 

About the home page 

As you land on the home page, you will notice the three different ways you can search for information and resources on LegalAve: 
  • the search bar; 
  • the “Legal Topics” in the top menu area; and 
  • the “Start Here” button, which takes you through our question-and-response Guided Pathway
You can also click on How to Use LegalAve to read more about these three options and how to get the most out of LegalAve. 

Emergency Exit and Safe Browsing

The Emergency Exit feature is the red button on the right side of any page on the website, which redirects you to www.google.ca if you are not able to browse privately or safely. The white part of the button takes you to the Safe Browsing page, where you can learn about tools to protect yourself online, such as clearing your browser history and using “incognito” mode. 

In-depth information and links to external resources 

LegalAve provides extensive information on different family law topics so Albertans can better understand their specific legal issue and the laws and processes around that issue. The family law Information Pages include Understanding the Court System & Processes, Representing Yourself in Court, What is Family Violence, Guardianship & Parenting under the Family Law Act, Property Division for Unmarried Couples, and Child Support under the Divorce Act, just to name a few. From each topic-specific Information Page, you can click on links that will take you to external resources that have additional information about that topic, such as brochures, websites, or court documents. Currently, there are 29 Information Pages and over 2,000 external resources on LegalAve. 

Tips and hints

While browsing each page, make sure to pay attention to the colourful icons, including “Tip,” “Be Aware,” “Family Violence,” and “Remember,” which highlight important information that may apply to you. The “Provincial Court” and “Queen’s Bench” icons draw attention to information that applies only in the Provincial Court or the Court of Queen’s Bench. 

What’s next

We’re very excited to make LegalAve a reality for Albertans and organizations alike. But our work doesn’t stop here, in fact, it's just starting. Our team is already adding more information and resources to the remaining family law topics since most of the current content is about “Breakdown in family relationships.” Once that is finished, we will decide on the next area of law to add to LegalAve. 
Every corner of the LegalAve was created with Albertans in mind, from the simple yet clean design to the Guided Pathway, the way we laid out the different areas of family law, and having a whole section for organizations that provide legal services to Albertans. There are other features but we cannot include all of them in a single blog post. We encourage you to take a look around LegalAve and let us know what you think in the comments section of this blog post or on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Feel free to also contact us if you notice anything broken so we can fix it as quickly as possible.

Special thanks to everyone and the organizations that supported the LegalAve project. We truly appreciate all your hard work since we first embarked on the project over 18 months ago. 

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